My daughter turned 5 in Feb. She had a fairy themed birthday at Chipmunks!! We booked it after hours for her and she had a fairy face painter. It was an awesome night and the fairy was well worth it! Even the adults were lining up to be painted.
I made approx 100 cupcakes for the party (still got complaints there wasn't enough) and a little allergy free cake for my little princess. Tyra-Jade is allergic to dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat, gluten, soy, corn and seafood. Quite a challenge to make her cupcakes as good as ours but she inhales them every time, can't be too bad.
The cupcakes were chocolate (the most requested flavour at the moment) with dark chocolate ganache. I tried making butterflies, fairies etc with chocolate for the decorations. I love it when you see everyone checking out the cupcake art!!!
these were soo pretty and awsome yummy!! When is the next bunch it's been a while lol